
Department of Software

Design and Production Platform to manage hardware robots is done by the department

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Department of HardWare

Design and manufacture of robots and maintenance and support platforms used by the department is done

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Department of Reasearch

Innovative design, startup ideas, innovation and performance optimization design is carried out in all sectors by the department.

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Department of Educationt

Teaching students and training specialists in other departments is done by the department.

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Mars Team

Mars team members began its activities in the field of robotics since 2006. During these years they have attended in different professional leagues from 2D/3D simulations to real helper and etc under different names (such as Sama3D, Mars, GPC, RCMasters, Ariana & AVA …). And from 2015 this team has began its very specialized job on two Standard Platform League (SPL) and also kid size humanoid robots leagues. The platform has been used in kid size humanoid robots league is Darwin robots. In this report we will consider the methods and image processing algorithms to simulate the world model for these robots. These methods play an important role in robot's decision-making. Before considering the algorithms to become more familiar with the platform it is necessary to review the structure of hardware and software of the robots.

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